Rosey's Trip To Paul's
A few of the pics taken on my trip to visit Paul and his family.
Paul - I can't thank you enough for taking time out of your busy schedule to make me feel welcome and show me the beauty of Maine. Who could have known 3 years ago when we met online in the hunting chat room that we would become such great friends, more like family. I cherish our friendship and all you and your friends did to make me feel at home there in your small town. This was a trip of a lifetime and I will never forget all I saw and all the wonderful people I met.
Paul fishing at Pickerel Pond
This is a beautiful pond, I got my first ever sighting of a Loon at this pond. Paul took me here to fish for Pickerel, we caught a few small ones. This was one of the most peaceful places he took me to, I think I spent more time gawking at the scenery than I did fishing LOL |
Maine puckerbrush
Before I went to Maine I didn't know there was such a thing as puckerbrush or what it was LOL, Paul being the big hearted man that he is, took me out and showed me exactly what puckerbrush is. That speck in the green stuff is me standing in the puckerbrush LOL. When we came out of that stuff my poor shirt was battlescarred LOL tore in the battle with the puckerbrush. That stuff will reach out and getcha no matter how careful you are LOL |
View of the Atlantic Ocean from the top of Cadillac Mountain
The view from the top of Cadillac Mountain was the most breath takingly beautiful site I've ever had the pleasure of seeing! Besides seeing the bears coming into the barrel in Paul's backyard, hearing the hauntingly beautiful calls of the loons, seeing a moose and finally meeting my best friend online, the trip up this mountain and the amazing view was the highlight of my trip. Paul - thank you soooooooo very much for sharing this with me :-) |
There's gators in Maine!!!
We stopped at a little spot called Sand Beach in Acadia National Park, where Cadillac Mountain is. Paul wanted me to see the sandy beach, beautiful little beach but the water was very very cold, swore my toes were gonna be frostbit after standing in it LOL. We saw this sand gator and just had to take a pic LOL. Anyone that gets the chance to visit Maine I highly recommend a trip to Acadia National Park, its absolutely beautiful!
Paul's daughter KC at Toddy Pond
Paul took this pic of his daughter playing with his friends' dog the day we went to Toddy Pond. His friend, who happens to be named Paul too, owns a beautiful cabin on this pond. Paul has known Paul (confusing huh LOL) for over 20 years, Paul S. is just one of the wonderful people I had the pleasure of meeting while I was in Maine. Paul (Malicky) took this pic while I was given the tour and history of Toddy Pond by Paul S in his boat. I don't know how long he waited for just the right shot he wanted. He is extremely patient and has an amazing eye for photography, another talent he wont brag about but I'll brag about it for him LOL :-) |
Paul gettin Fred food
My bestest buddy Paul getting sweets for his bestest buddy Fred. Paul has been feeding bears for several years, one of his regular visitors to the barrel in his backyard is Fred. I have been hearing about Fred and the other bears since we met online 3 years ago. Paul made a video tape of his bears shortly after we started chatting and sent me and several others a copy of that tape, I thought that was neat but the thrill I got when I saw Fred, in person, was more than I can put into words. I had the joy of watching Fred and a couple other regulars, and I'll say this, the behavior I witnessed was not at all of bloodthirsty man-eating bears that are portrayed on television. What I saw was a very beautiful, majestic animal (that spooked itself easily LOL) they are fun to watch and their antics can be quite comical. I did not fear the bears or think they were going to eat me. They would come to the barrel while we were outside yacking on the porch, they knew we were there and that we weren't a threat, besides they like the sweets Paul gives them much better than us LOL. Paul's friend Chet has watched them feeding at the barrel while he was grilling and taken pictures of them, with a flash even! They'd rather have the sweets LOL
Chadelier Paul made
Another talent Paul has that he wont brag on but I sure will! This is a chandelier he made from sheds he's found over the years and it is absolutely beautiful!!! A friend of his painted the saw blade above the chandelier. Paul is one of those rare people that can do anything that he sets his mind to, he is very talented with his hands, enjoys making things and working with his hands. The craftsmanship that went into this chandelier is awesome. I was amazed at how talented he is, he dont brag so I didnt know he could do so many things and do them very well. Not only does he have very talented hands but he talks with them too! LOL and when he tells a story, and believe me he has tons of them LOL, his stories come with sound affects. It's an experience in itself to listen to Paul tell a story, too bad I didn't have more time to spend with him and hear more of his stories.